Project 3,000: Debt Elimination
CRC’s 2 year goal is to find 3,000 gifts of $300 by December 31, 2025 to completely eliminate the debt owed on the White Oak Lodge. In 2014 the White Oak Lodge was completed and available for guest groups. This building has expanded the ministry of the CRC. Not only can we continue to minister to children and youth, we can minister to adults and families through church retreats, marriage retreats, family reunions, crafting retreats, and groups who seek personal growth and fellowship. God has blessed these new opportunities and allowed CRC to minister to all age groups. CRC’s hope is that our ministry partners will provide 3,000 extra gifts of $300, in addition to their current generous giving. CRC's Executive Director has committed to making multiple gifts for this project and the camp's Board of Directors are also engaged and committed to give. Regardless of how much you can give, we invite you to participate with CRC as we work to make our goal a reality. Eliminating Lodge Debt means:
Checks may be mailed to CRC's Office. Please make checks payable to "Christian Retreat Center" & write "Project 3,000" on the memo line. Address: 369 CRC Drive, East Waterford, PA 17021 Click here to make a pledge! |